Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pictures... Roll Call

Welcome home everyone. I think we all had a terrific time in Asia... what a great experience! I know that many people took a TON OF PICTURES. Several of us have uploaded our photos to the Internet to share. Here are the links to some online photo albums:



If you have an online photo album that you'd like to share... please just send me the link and I will post it here on the site. If you'd like to create a free online photo album... visit

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bangkok Oriental City

For most of us… our tour of Asia ends today as we leave Bangkok, Thailand and head for home. We’ve got a long day of ahead of us (travel time from Bangkok to Salt Lake City will take about 24 hours when you include the flight layovers). While a small group of 4 headed down to Phuket for another day vacationing on the exotic beaches of Southern Thailand… and one couple (Ben and Mickelle Baker) head to Taiwan for a few days… the majority of us will be arriving home in just a few hours and everyone is excited to see their family and friends.

Bangkok was a WONDERFUL place to end our foreign business excursion. When we arrived on Wednesday some wondered how Bangkok could possibly out shine the other magnificent places we’ve travelled over the past two weeks… but the exotic atmosphere in Thailand certainly exceeded expectations… and for a few… Thailand ended up being the favorite destination altogether. We were all a little concerned about Doralia, who was left behind in Hong Kong due to a problem with her visa. Fortunately the problem was worked out and she joined us in Thailand a day late.

The atmosphere and culture in Thailand is different than we’ve experienced anywhere else in Asia. Sanjay Sharma remarked at the large number of Indian influences he saw all throughout Bangkok and mentioned that Thai culture (to him) seems to be a unique blend of Chinese and Indian influences. Sanjay even took a few people to a Hindu temple to experience share some of his own culture. Certainly Thailand is more exotic and tropical than other places we’ve been… the people have a different heritage, different ethnicity, different language, and even a different look than the Chinese and Japanese people we’ve visit with on this trip. Many in our group remarked at how the Thai people seem so pleasant, relaxed, and eager to serve. In Thailand we also saw more poverty than anywhere else we’ve been. Thailand is a developing nation and doesn’t have the same infrastructure as Japan or Hong Kong. Certainly China has problems with poverty… but we saw very little of it while prancing around the capital city of Beijing… especially just weeks before the Olympics. In Thailand we saw many poor people right in the heart of Bangkok… some lived in little shacks near our resort hotel… yet virtually everyone in greater Bangkok (poor or rich) seemed to own a motor scooter (the traffic was horrific).

One thing is certain… Thailand seems to be a much more religious country than anywhere else we’ve been. Upon our arrival we took a canal tour and stopped at a Buddhist temple where we climbed up some pretty intense stairs. There are literally thousands of Buddhist temples in Thailand… a stark contrast to China where we saw very little religion. The people here also love their King… who is a revered figurehead that is extraordinarily popular among all Thai people… you can’t go anywhere in Thailand without seeing pictures of the King… the Thai people love and respect their King much like we love and respect our prophet.

Our polite tour guide “Su” showed us some of the major sites around Bangkok during our stay and may have been our most pleasant tour guide of the whole trip… we all enjoyed being part of “Su’s Group” and following him around Bangkok. On the first night in town Su took a number of us to a custom tailor shop on our first night in Bangkok and those who went felt as if they scored a great deal on a wool & cashmere blend suit (with 2 pants and a tie) for only $250… it was a fun experience getting all measured up for a custom suit and having it personally delivered to our hotel room the next day. Some of us wonder aloud what’s the problem with tailors back in the USA… they speak worse English than the tailors in Thailand and typically take more than a week to do minor alterations… whereas the Thai tailors had no problem whipping up a customized suit in just a few hours!

Su also took us to the Royal temples and palaces and we were impressed by their beauty and glamour. The Buddhist temples in Thailand can’t match the Chinese palaces in size and scale… but they have beautiful craftsmanship and seem to be more fancy and ornamental when looking at them up close… lots of gold and jewels. Many in our group were surprised at the small size of the famous emerald Buddha statue. This particular Buddha (considered one of the most holy statues in all of Thailand) has a famous temple all to himself and yet he stands only two feel high on the top of a throne.

Our accommodations in Bangkok were excellent… we stayed at the Marriott Resort and Spa located on the beautiful riverfront and our hotel (while not as lavish as the China World Hotel) was absolutely beautiful had thick gardens, a wonderful swimming pool and really felt more like an exotic resort than anywhere else we stayed.

We had a couple of great business visits in Bangkok including the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) and Mattel. At AMCHAM we had a good Q&A session with some people familiar with doing business in Thailand. Then we drove out to Mattel where we had one of the best business visits of the entire trip. Each of us had a thorough tour of the toy factory that makes Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. The plant leader we met with mentioned how his factory was “the largest producer of automobiles in the world… if size doesn’t matter.” It was interesting to see how the toy cars were made and most of us were amazed at the efficiency of the plant and the temperature inside (working conditions inside the plant were about 95+ degrees but none of the workers seemed bothered).

HIGHLIGHTS and LET-DOWNS of Thailand? One of the greatest highlights of Thailand was the amazing food… for those of us who love Thai food every meal was a delight. The food is inexpensive in Thailand and we enjoyed everything from Pad Thai, Yellow Curry, Massaman, and Moo Yang… to Saku Sai Moo and the delicious mangos and sticky rice. The highlight for many of the spouses was participating in a Thai cooking class sponsored by the resort.

There was some frustration in Thailand… but it had nothing to do with the location or the people… only the burnout many of us were starting to feel. By the time we reached Bangkok we had already been travelling for 11 days. While the experiences here have been great… most of us are weary of travelling and ready to sleep in our own bed. The majority of us have family waiting back at home that we long to see again. Almost all of the enthusiasm and energy that we had in Kyoto and Toyko those first few days has left and it’s time to go home. At the end of the day we all had a wonderful time and it’s been a great opportunity to experience the different cultures of Asia. What a wonderful way to end a MBA program!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

HONG KONG... New York of the Orient.

Our group had a great visit to Hong Kong and the experience was completely different than China. We arrived Sunday afternoon and head directly to our hotel located on the Kowloon waterfront. The first evening we had a walk down the promenade just behind our hotel and everyone was awe struck by the Hong Kong skyline. The buildings here are magnificent and the skyline is truly one of the most impressive in the world… most of us had trouble getting our cameras to the right setting to capture the beautiful night scene.

Hong Kong could easily be an American city… Western influences are everywhere and English in widely spoken. The city looks, sounds, and feels so much like New York. The people here take pride in their English heritage and the culture feels nothing like we experienced in mainland China… the money is different, the language is different, they even drive on the other side of the road.

Here in Hong Kong we stayed at the Renaissance hotel in Kowloon… just across the bay from the magnificent skyline. Though our accommodations were probably a step down from the opulence we experienced at the China World Hotel in Beijing… we were located in one of the most centrally located and accessible places in Hong Kong… many of us took the opportunity to visit the nearby shops, hop on the super-modern subway system, or just walk the promenade to take pictures.

Our feisty tour guide was named Maria and she did a very good job of telling us about the features, facts, and history of Hong Kong. She was also very insistent making sure we left to our business visits on-time and telling us to “get off the bus”.

We had three business visits in Hong Kong that all went pretty well. First we visit Chinese University Hong Kong and heard some interesting prospectives from Dr. Foster and two professors that teach at CUHK. Afterwards we visit a business incubator next to the University known as the Hong Kong Science and Research Park. It was interesting to see the investments Hong Kong is making in research and technology to stay ahead of cities like Beijing and Shanghai as they become more competitive in this part of the world.

Another business visit that we experienced here in Hong Kong was Disneyland. We met with a BYU graduate and ex-pat that runs the operations at Hong Kong Disneyland. He showed us around the park and gave us some insights that were very interesting. Some stayed at Disneyland for a few hours to ride the rides (though most who stayed were surprised that park was only about half-the-size as the Disneyland in California). Many others took a ride on a tram to the top of a nearby mountain to see the famous Big Buddha and get some pictures.

Perhaps the highlight of Hong Kong for many of us was visiting the LDS Temple. The temple is very beautiful and is located on the peninsula not too far from our hotel. Many of us went inside to experience a temple session or participate in sealings. Though some were caught in a rainstorm… it was well worth the experience to visit a special place that serves over half the worlds population (the Hong Kong Temple district includes both China and India).

UPDATE: We’ve now arrived in Bangkok and we’re entering the twilight of our trip in Asia. Most of us are excited to come home and see our families. I’ll post once more about our exotic experiences here in Thailand.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Busy Blitz through Beijing

From Wednesday afternoon to Sunday morning we were in Beijing. Here’s a journal entry highlighting some of our activities while in mainland China…

Our itinerary has been packed from dawn to dusk each day. China is an interesting place… there’s so much to see and do and the culture is so different from what we experienced in Japan. Beijing itself is a huge sprawling city with smoggy skies. Some of us were reminded of Las Vegas in a strange sort of way. The downtown streets are abnormally wide (even by Utah standards) and there are extravagant hotels and government buildings towering over the sidewalks. The city isn’t as clean as Tokyo… but it’s not especially dirty either. The Chinese people tend to keep to themselves more than the Japanese… and the influence of 60 years of communism seems obvious.

Our accommodations at the China World Hotel in downtown Beijing were first-rate. The hotel itself was lavish, the rooms were clean and comfortable and the beautiful lobby had a pleasant aroma. On Thursday morning some of the spouses were having breakfast together at the hotel buffet and spotted a celebrity… Donald Trump’s (Don Jr. from the TV show The Apprentice) was sitting at a nearby table. Although our accommodations were fantastic, we really didn’t spend too much time at the hotel… our tour guide, Vivian, kept and busy from dawn to dusk each day. Vivian spoke excellent English and made sure we got to see all of the key sites in and around Beijing – we were blessed to have such a wonderful guide. Here are some of the things we experienced in and around Beijing…

After checking into our hotel we spent two hours at the famous silk market located just blocks from our hotel. Most of us were unprepared and surprised by the aggressive selling tactics used by the street vendors (most of them are Chinese girls in their late teens). The girls speak surprisingly good English and drive a tough bargain… all of them seem to use crazy hard-sell tactics (think of an aggressive used-car dealership and multiply by 50). If you don’t buy they will grab your arm and beg… or play a guilt card on you. The silk market was a crazy experience… much more like playing a game than actually shopping… but there were deals to be had… designer Jeans can be purchased for just $15, fake Rolex watches for about $30, and silk ties for only $3. Most of us purchased some things… some, like Shayne and Lindsey Howell, loaded up a few bags.

The food here is spicy and flavorful… some of it is like the typical American Chinese that we have back home… some of it is not. Meals are served on a round table with a lazy-susan… anyone can choose to have as much or as little as they desire. One night after finishing dinner we decided to sing a few songs to our Chinese servers… it turned out to be an interesting (and mildly embarrassing) experience singing “popcorn popping on the apricot tree” to some bewildered Chinese folks. One Chinese girl really got into the song and started to dance around while doing the popcorn popping motions with her hands… when Kelsey Ruse “took and armful to make a treat” she misunderstood and gave Kelsey a giant bear hug… it was a LAUGH OUT LOUD moment for those who saw.

A beautiful place located on a man-made reservoir near the outskirts of Beijing. For many of us it was our 2nd favorite spot in China (next to the great wall). The palace had some unique structures and beautiful bridges. A few of stopped near the end and dressed up in traditional Chinese dress for photographs.

We had some good business visits in Beijing including Daimler, GE Healthcare, and the US Consulate. Daimler was a very interesting contrast compared with Toyota (who we visit in Japan). On the whole, most of us seemed far more impressed with the operations at the Japanese plant. Daimler was a much lower volume operation and the workers seemed more distracted and less organized. The US consulate office was an interesting visit… we didn’t have a tour of any sort, but the Q&A session focused on doing business in China and most of us found it rather interesting. GE Healthcare was also an interesting visit, we toured a production facility for high-end medical scanning devices.

On Friday we had an enjoyable visit to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden Palace. Tiananmen Square is a unique place… it’s big, beautiful, and stately… and also a shrine to communism and the late General Mau. There are soldiers and lots of people walking along the square. Many of us have recollections of the Tiananmen Square incident that occurred in 1989… but (as expected) we didn’t hear or see anything about the 1989 situation and our tour guide (Vivian) knew very little about what happened.

Forbidden City was spectacular… almost too spectacular. There were probably 50 good photo opportunities in the Forbidden City… we would take pictures and make our way through a gate or palace to find that a bigger more spectacular building was on the other side. Thank heavens for digital cameras… anyone could easily burn through 3-4 rolls of film in that place. Definitely a must see.

On Saturday we had a wonderful time at the Great Wall of China… most of us had never been to the Great Wall… and we were able to check it off of our list of things to see in serious style. The weather was fantastic as we visit a mountainous region about 90 minutes North of Beijing. The wall exceeded our expectations… the Chinese built it up on the very top of a rather intense mountain range and the size and scale of the wall is absolutely amazing. We walked about ½ mile down (on the wall) then took an alpine slide to the bottom of the mountain. The manpower required to build the great wall is almost unfathomable… you don’t realize it until your actually there to see it in person.

UPDATE: So we arrived in Hong Kong on Sunday afternoon and we've been enjoying the sites and sounds of the big city for a couple days. Internet access at our hotel is still not great and we haven't had a whole lot of time... but look for another update and some new pictures very soon.